AKI - Zvezdara, - Zvezdara, Slobodanke Danke Savic
Free of charge

Free of charge

Apartment AKI in Zvezdara with parking for 4 persons.
If you are looking for affordable accommodation in a quiet neighborhood, we recommend the apartment AKI, located in the Zvezdara neighborhood. The nearest landmarks are the famous Cvetko’s green market and Olimp Sports Center. Given that King Alexander Boulevard is a few steps away, the location is well connected to the downtown. Vuk's Monument and Tasmajdan Park take a few stops by city transport. Other important traffic routes are Vojislav Ilic and Lord Vucic streets. Zvezdara Theater and state medical center are close by. Local pubs have an old-town feel and are always interesting to explore. Among them are Mala Zvezdara, Tabor and many others. In the immediate vicinity, you’ll find a fast food restaurant, pharmacy and a bank branch. If you travel by car, private parking is available at no additional cost.
The apartment is quite comfortable and tastefully equipped. The living room has a descended ceiling with LED lights and a collection of art prints. There is a large corner set, two footrests and a dining table with upholstered chairs. The bedroom contains a lavish double bed with a padded headrest, fresh linen and towels. Here you can fully relax after business or tourist activities. In the kitchen, we have neatly crafted floor and overhead cabinets, refrigerator and induction cooker. You can easily prepare breakfast, tea or coffee. The bathroom has a boiler, shower stall and basic sanitary are. All installations are sparkly clean and ready for our guests. Another feature is a spacious yard with plenty of benches. As a budget apartment in Belgrade for a family or four friends, the apartment AKI is the optimum solution. We wish you a pleasant stay!
Price for 28 March is 80e
*Prices: |
1 Day | 2-4 Days | 5-8 Days | 9-15 Days | 16-21 Days | 22-30 Days |
1 guest | € 45 | € 45 | € 45 | € 35 | € 35 | € |
2 guests | € 50 | € 50 | € 50 | € 40 | € 40 | € |
3 guests | € 55 | € 55 | € 55 | € 45 | € 45 | € |
4 guests | € 60 | € 60 | € 60 | € 50 | € 50 | € |
On inquiry
You must send a query to check availability of this apartment. After our confirmation booking is possible.
Total: € 45
Enter the dates of arrival / departure and the number of persons for information on the price of your stay!
Price on the weekends, on days with greater demand, or on holidays may differ from the price shown.

Street:Slobodanke Danke Savic
Price:€ 45
Apartment type:1 bedroom
Air conditioning:
Washing machine:
* Prices for New Year are higher on average by 50% (for some apartments even more) compared to the prices shown bellow, the minimum lease is from 3-7 days. Non-refundable advance payment of 50% is required. For more information, please contact us.
* Price on the weekends, on days with greater demand, or on holidays may differ from the price shown.
Price for 28 March is 80e
*Prices: |
1 Day | 2-4 Days | 5-8 Days | 9-15 Days | 16-21 Days | 22-30 Days |
1 guest | € 45 | € 45 | € 45 | € 35 | € 35 | € |
2 guests | € 50 | € 50 | € 50 | € 40 | € 40 | € |
3 guests | € 55 | € 55 | € 55 | € 45 | € 45 | € |
4 guests | € 60 | € 60 | € 60 | € 50 | € 50 | € |
If you are looking for affordable accommodation in a quiet neighborhood, we recommend the apartment AKI, located in the Zvezdara neighborhood. The nearest landmarks are the famous Cvetko’s green market and Olimp Sports Center. Given that King Alexander Boulevard is a few steps away, the location is well connected to the downtown. Vuk's Monument and Tasmajdan Park take a few stops by city transport. Other important traffic routes are Vojislav Ilic and Lord Vucic streets. Zvezdara Theater and state medical center are close by. Local pubs have an old-town feel and are always interesting to explore. Among them are Mala Zvezdara, Tabor and many others. In the immediate vicinity, you’ll find a fast food restaurant, pharmacy and a bank branch. If you travel by car, private parking is available at no additional cost.
The apartment is quite comfortable and tastefully equipped. The living room has a descended ceiling with LED lights and a collection of art prints. There is a large corner set, two footrests and a dining table with upholstered chairs. The bedroom contains a lavish double bed with a padded headrest, fresh linen and towels. Here you can fully relax after business or tourist activities. In the kitchen, we have neatly crafted floor and overhead cabinets, refrigerator and induction cooker. You can easily prepare breakfast, tea or coffee. The bathroom has a boiler, shower stall and basic sanitary are. All installations are sparkly clean and ready for our guests. Another feature is a spacious yard with plenty of benches. As a budget apartment in Belgrade for a family or four friends, the apartment AKI is the optimum solution. We wish you a pleasant stay!
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apartments on map
Centar Beograda - 3,5 m
Trg Republike - 3,5 m
KBC Zvezdara- 1 km
Beogradska Arena - 5,5 km
Sava Centar - 5 km
Aerodrom - 18 km
Beograd na vodi - 4 km
Kalemegdan - 4 km
Šoping Ušće - 4,5 km
Šoping Delta City - 6,5 km
Beogradski Sajam - 5 km
Centar Beograda - 3,5 m
Trg Republike - 3,5 m
KBC Zvezdara- 1 km
Beogradska Arena - 5,5 km
Sava Centar - 5 km
Aerodrom - 18 km
Beograd na vodi - 4 km
Kalemegdan - 4 km
Šoping Ušće - 4,5 km
Šoping Delta City - 6,5 km
Beogradski Sajam - 5 km