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Belgrade Apartments
If you need an apartment in Belgrade for a day or two you are at the right place! A significantly higher quality of service than in hostels, drastically lower prices than in hotels, all of our apartments are the best option for accommodation in Belgrade. All apartments are air-conditioned, equipped with linen and towels, wireless internet, cable TV and some form of heating (central or electric). Through our simple search you can find an apartment that suits your needs.
Daily rentals Belgrade
In addition to renting for several days most of the apartments are available for overnight rental as well. Apartment rental per day is our area of expertise, just as our name says - (Stan Na Dan/Apartment Per Day). Our goal is to provide you with the ideal accommodation in Belgrade on a daily basis in the best locations Belgrade and New Belgrade (Belville and Kombank Arena) has to offer. Since we are not a hotel but its alternative, reservations for a single day can be made on the day of arrival or the day before.
Accommodation Belgrade
In the last few years short term apartment rentals in Belgrade became very popular and is a great way to rent accommodation in a private setting. Accommodation in Belgrade is a great choice for all: tourists, businessmen.… as well as for families or romantic getaways. Find Belgrade accommodation to fit your needs at decent prices using our advanced search.
Overnight in Belgrade
Stan Na Dan Belgrade has a large number of apartments in prime locations in Belgrade and any one of them can become your lodging. For overnight stay we accept same day or day before bookings. We provide high quality lodgings in Belgrade at affordable and in some cases at "last minute" prices. Entertainment and nightlife in Belgrade are just one of the reasons to visit.